Distribution Agreement
2.1   供应商指定经销商为区域内独家经销商,根据本协议条款向独享客户销售产品。
2.1    The Supplier appoints the Distributor as its sole distributor to distribute the Products to the Exclusive Customers in the Region on the terms of this Agreement.
2.2   经销商应仅向供应商购买产品,并应仅在开始日起五年内(两者中以较短者的为准)向供应商购买产品,但经销商不得销售或生产与产品构成竞争的任何商品。
2.2    The Distributor shall purchase the Products only from the Supplier for for the period of five years from the Commencement Date (whichever shall be the shorter), shall not distribute or manufacture any goods that compete with the Products.
2.3   经销商应避免向保留区域的客户和保留客户主动出售产品。在本协议中,主动出售应被理解为主动接洽或寻找客户,包括但不限于以下行为:
2.3    The Distributor shall refrain from making active sales of the Products to customers in the Reserved Regions and to Reserved Customers. For these purposes, active sales shall be understood to mean actively approaching or soliciting customers, including, but not limited to, the following action:
Chinese Business Law Translation
Requires Expertise

Who We Are

CBL is a sophisticated Chinese legal translation practice formed by the alliance of leading translation professionals in the Chinese translation field. We address all of our clients’ business law translation needs, from mission-critical documents such as highly sensitive contracts and briefs, to working with our translation manpower partners to deliver high-quality translations of eDiscovery matters running into millions of words. We are a highly collaborative team, each driven by a passion for Chinese translation to help our clients succeed.

Adrian’s expertise in Chinese legal translation has achieved broad recognition worldwide, and enables business to understand their China matters with full accuracy.

Meet Adrian

What We Do

Chinese Legal Translation

We provide best-in-industry Chinese legal translation services for documents necessary for the operation of a business, with a highly specialized expert partnering with you to take full responsibility for all aspects of the translation, providing quality you can rely on.

Quality Audits

When there are questions about the quality of a translation services provided by a translation company or by another party to a transaction or in litigation, we can provide a highly objective audit of the translation with a quality and integrity assessment.

E-Discovery Translation Consulting

E-discovery projects involving foreign language, such as those for corporate litigation or for mergers, require deploying and managing a large number of temporary employees who often have limited skills. We collaborate closely with staffing vendors to provide supervision and guidance for the temporary translation staff working on these high-volume projects.

Machine Translation Customization

We work with your machine translation vendor to deploy analytics on your project files to develop a custom glossary of terms and initial machine bilingual training data to ensure that your custom machine translation engine provides the most accurate machine translations possible.

Core Values


Every job by CBL is completed by a partner and their team; if an outside staffing or machine translation company is needed to increase volume or control costs, you will be billed directly for their work with no markup.


Our expert Chinese legal translators partner directly with our clients to assess their goals and needs, and unite diverse opinions and perspectives in a team of partners and associates collaborating to maximize the impact of our work.


Our Partners only accept translation projects within their narrow stated field of expertise, and will always refer clients to the best expert for the job. We abide strictly by the profession’s code of ethics, and ensuring clients succeed is our primary goal.